Skyline Security is a "Black Eye" for the Industry!
The carnival "Door to Door" salesmen prey on trusting people who believe that they are selling a viable product! I, unfortunately, am one of the people who was duped by their carny presentation which was full of lies and deception. I am 73 years old, and thought I should be able to discern a scammer by my age, but that did not prove to be true! I was taken for a "fool" by some very slick operators! I didn't read the "FINE" print on the back, and I trusted what this young man was telling me. Now, I am the "OLD" fool, right? I have taken my complaints to every level imaginable, and will even be pursuing even more avenues in my future efforts. Skyline Security is operating illegally in the state of Alabama by employing "unlicensed" salesmen and equipment installers. I found out that Skyline is very aware of their illegal activities thru telephone calls and they truly do not care! These people are definitely "emboldened criminals" similar to mobsters who believe they are "above the law"! In this day and time, criminals and scammers are in such abundance at all levels, that even normal law enforcement agencies; such as local police or county sheriffs, care little about what they do! Everything criminal,regarding citizens, short of violent crimes; are all considered "CIVIL" matters which much be addressed in a civil trial at the "VICTIM'S EXPENSE"!! This has given rise to criminals not caring what they do to ordinary people, as it is no longer "Criminal" to scam, cheat, steal, from a person who is not an official "business".